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Shaolin Qigong Progression
Shaolin Qigong [少林气功 - Shàolín Qìgōng] is the practice of energy awareness, cultivation, circulation, and development for a fruitful life.

Your First 3-6 Months

The most important part of your training is your first few months. The goal of this period is to get you acquainted with the terminology and structure for the traditional style and philosophy of training. When you understand how the system works, you'll be able to understand how to get the most out of your training experience.

You'll start off learning basic breathing techniques and stretching routines, and immediately start taking short daily classes. You'll also begin your stance training with the Qìgōng Măbù 气功馬步 Horse Stance.

As you gain Experience Points (XP) and level up, you'll unlock more breathing exercises and take 'Basic Qigong Classes' which includes the basic form of Eight Brocades Bāduànjǐn 八段錦.

With more time and practice, you'll unlock the remaining starter content including Basic Qigong Theory including Net Qi Theory, Yin-Yang, awareness of tension, and relaxation exercises. You be able to take Shaolin Qigong Level 1 classes for daily practice.

For the next while, you'll continue to build up your qigong capability and understanding. Eventually you'll be able to unlock the Intermediate content which will require the Standard Subscription.

The Next 12-24 Months

Having finished the basic training, you'll be able to expand your skillset and breadth of understanding with the Standard Subscription content.

As you can continue to improve your foundation, you'll learn the Shaolin Virtues philosophy framework, technical movement details of Eight Brocades Bāduànjǐn 八段錦, the logic behind each movement of Eight Brocades Bāduànjǐn 八段錦, the concept of energy nodes, how to cultivate your qi or energy, learn to feel qi in the hands, and learn Intermediate qigong theory. You'll be able to practice a tougher Eight Brocades Bāduànjǐn 八段錦 and progress to a Shaolin Qigong Level 1.2 class. Those with Dedicated Subscriptions will be able to access additional training content and theory details.

After developing a certain level of competenancy with Eight Brocades Bāduànjǐn 八段錦, progress to other forms such as: Sitting Qi Gong Dǎzuò Qìgōng 打坐气功 and Small Flooding Qi Gong Xiǎohóng Qìgōng 小洪气功.

In addition, you'll unlock more theory and exercises to get you started on the path of developing the ability to control the flow of qi or energy in your body.

In order to maintain tradition and quality of Shaolin Qigong, you'll be expected to pass tests by uploading videos of yourself demonstrating each form. If your form needs more work, our coaches will give you feedback and guidance.

Beyond 2 Years

With the capability to do basic qi-flow, you'll now progress to advance techniques to cultivate and flow energy even more. You'll learn how to apply qiflow for various purposes such as general health, developing stronger bones, muscles, and joints, and therefore how to develop your body to meet your long term goals.

You may also consider becoming a Junior Instructor and develop your own local training club (we are currently working this out so stay tuned!).

Some additional forms you will progress to are: Muscle Tendon Strengthening Qi Gong Yìjīnjīng 易筋經 and Strong and Hard Qi Gong Dàlìjīngānggōng 大力金刚功.

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  393 Dundas Street West, 2nd Floor
  Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G6

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(STQI stands for Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute)
Click here to visit our school's website

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